This season we had a chance to ride with great guys from Italy, Gnarcolate collective! Amazing riders! This is their documentary about trip to Montenegro.

They had talked about the magical Dinaric Alps of Montenegro … but what we found was amazing! This is our first modest documentary entirely self-financed. Hopefully it is the first of many we just wanted to thank all of you who have contributed and who have believed in this project from day one.

Avalanches, snowfall endless, ghettos and crazy chicks toothless ….. we tell you to do?
This is our first modest documentary entirely self-financed.

Hopefully it is the first of many, we just wanted to thank all of you who have contributed and who have believed in this project from day one.

Without your contribution this documentary would not have been possible and even if a simple THANKS is extremely reductive we just wanted to tell you … THANK YOU, THANK YOU REALLY.

Special thanks to our fearless young men who risked their skin between avalanches and stray dogs to make the video, a special thanks to Massimo Caldara who filmed them all day long, thanks to Sequence May and Denis Small and …… bon, good vision!

Thanks for your attention … .ciao!

Gnarcolate collective Riders: Achille Mauri, Manuel Pietropoli, Andrea Bergamaschi, Buzzoni Lorenzo, Lorenzo Barbieri

Filming / Editing: Massimo Caldara
