Another mindblowing short except from Sherpas Cinema new movie INTO THE MIND. Chapter 9 – Rebirth, is a visual exploration of water’s behaviour in various states, and an inquisition to its effect on those who interact with it. Featuring legendary snowboarder DCP (David Carrier Porcheron), as he surfs and snowboards interior British Columbia and Nicaragua, this segment lulls the viewer into that wonderful and content state of hypnosis experienced while riding pow.

The segment also features scenes of mountaineering savant Conrad Anker, Kayaking guru Rush Sturges, freestyle wizard Tom Wallisch (stomping his first attempt at a triple), all set in various locations ranging from Tofino, Whistler/Blackcomb, Montana, and beyond.

From the makers of the award winning film “All.I.Can”, comes the new feature film: INTO THE MIND. Blur the lines between dream state and reality, as you perceive the world through the minds of many. Into the Mind contemplates the experiences passed between mentors and peers to paint a philosophical portrait of human kind. What drives us to overcome challenge? How do we justify risk? What forces are at the core of a mountain addiction? Unique athlete segments over a multitude of mountain sport genres depict the connectivity of Earth, and window into never seen before moments. Explore how we begin our perception of self, construct the foundations of confidence, and are ultimately led up the path of self-actualization.

As Buddha once said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

Into The Mind is about becoming.

Presented by The North Face
Created by Sherpas Cinema –
Segment Director: Eric Crosland
Athletes: David Carrier Porcheron (DCP), Conrad Anker, Tom Wallisch, Rush Sturges, Pete Devries

Music: “Better Days” by Graham Nash.
