Brazil, steady wind, warm weather and flat lagoons… perfect playground for Two good friends and professional kitesurfers Gisela Pulido & Paula Novotná.

Two good friends professional kitesurfers Gisela Pulido & Paula Novotná together with Brazilian film maker Andre Magarao filmed a movie “Like two drops of water”. They spend a lot of time together traveling during the year and wanted to show the world what it takes to be on the top and how they train to stay strong and fit. The decided Brazil because is one of the best places to train with steady wind, warm weather and flat lagoons.

Gisela Pulido, Spain, 20 years old
Sponsors: Movistar, Red Bull, Best Kiteboarding, Nilox, Baby-G

Paula Novotná, Czech, 21 years old
Sponsors: North Kiteboarding, 69 SLAM, ION, Lifefood

Filmed and edited by Andre Magarao
Song: Chet Faker – Gold
