The first teaser for multi-year project co-production Unity Films, Quiksilver, Messenger Travel and HeliPro is here, and it is very good! Film “ПОВОРОТ” / TURN planned to be released in 2015.
Riders: Andrei Moskvin, Eugene Ivanov, Maxim Balakhovsky, Artem Teymurov
“Rotation – a crucial point in time, the point of the route, which is waiting for a new, unknown, unknown. Turn – step of your choice, which will lead us to the place where each of us is destined to be. “SWING” / TURN – a new project from Unity Films, released with the support of Quiksilver, «Messenger Travel” and HeliPro. The film, tentatively promises to be a turning point in the history of Russian snowboarding. crew video project decided to create something new: not just a film, assembled from the best shots of riding the most powerful Russian riders, and what was not in the first snowboard video. The film “SWING” / TURN – stories about how snowboarding is changing people’s lives. Each of the main characters of the video project – a story twists and turns, the chain which led him to the current waypoint. The three main components of the project: the beyond skating, shooting quality and sincerity, giving the viewer the opportunity to not only enjoy a beautiful picture, but also to empathize with characters. interesting and geography of the project: in the frame – not only the most popular places for skiing in Russia and Europe, but also Greenland glaciers . Disclosed and topic Russian snowboard camps – important aspect of domestic snowboard industry. Finally, the project “SWING” / TURN allows viewers to see how the new, unfamiliar faces talented but little-known Russian riders and true legends of the world of snowboarding, cooperation with which domestic production studio could previously only dream of. Film “SWING” / TURN planned to be released in 2015 and promises to be one of the most anticipated projects of fans of action sports.”
(Translation from original description on