Evo ga i drugi trailer za jedan od prvih dugometražnih ski-filmova komšijsko-regionalne produkcije, koji ćemo moći da vidimo za januar 2013.

“Yu-GO First” is a snowboard video project gathering relevant riders from ex-Yugoslavian countries and being filmed in the season 2011/12. Full video will be available in January 2013 on this channel after the premiere tour around cities in the region.

A film by Rene Gallo
Teaser #2 edited by Matic Zavodnik
Produced by: Vid Barić & Matic Zavodnik
Filming by: Rene Gallo, Matej Gostinčar, Luka Stanovnik, Hambalkó Bálint, LegitFilms, Iztok Šumatić, Andraž Žan, JK Media, Matej Potočnik, Blaž Tomazin, Clemens Prankl, Bruno Purić, Dominik Istenić, Lukas Lerperger


Featuring Vid Barić, Žiga Rakovec, Aljoša Krivec, Dejan Hodžić, Nejc Pucko, Žiga Erlač, Mitja Kodrič, Erik Harc, Peter Podlogar, Luka Podlogar, Palermo, Matic Zavodnik, Marko Grilc, Ana Rumiha, Urška Pribošić, Matevž Pristavec, Andrej Marinčić, Luka Jeromel and friends.
